Happy Anniversary, Kierra Wiggins!

Happy Anniversary, Kierra Wiggins!If you have worked with McCabe Russell, PA at any time in the last three years, the chances are very good that you’ve spent time with Kierra Wiggins. Kierra is the Lead Paralegal here at the firm, and the role she plays is critical to our success. We conducted this interview so you could get to know Kierra a bit better, and learn more about what she does every day to keep our clients’ cases running smoothly.

What have you liked most about being here?

Working at McCabe Russell has allowed me to grow in my career without losing site of my personal goals. I have been involved in many aspects of the firm, from marketing to training new employees. I love that I can learn new things and my voice and input are valued. Heather and Emily are not only great leaders to work for, but they are amazing people. They understand that we are human and are very accommodating to the changing times due to COVID. We have the best clients and team members here at McCabe Russell, and I enjoy our unity the most. I love that I have been able to grow within my position.

What has changed the most in your role and in the firm since you started?

In my role as a lead paralegal there has never been a dull moment. With each case, I learn new aspects of what the client needs. The one thing that has changed the most is the ability to work from home. The firm has been amazing in adjusting to my needs because of COVID-19. I have accomplished so many great things in my cases outside of the office while working remotely.

What has been your biggest personal accomplishment? Biggest professional accomplishment?

My biggest personal accomplishment is being able to raise 4 beautiful children (ages 12, 10, 4 and 1). My biggest professional accomplishment was obtaining my master’s degree in Criminal Justice and Psychology.

Is there a favorite client victory/moment that you’ll carry with you?

Preparing and attending a 3-day custody modification trial with Partner, Emily Russell, Esq., and Associate, Alexandra Meeks, Esq., was a moment that I will never forget at the firm. Attending this trial that we all so eagerly prepared for helped me to see the bigger picture when it comes to trial preparation and case management. We had successful results for our client and the minor child involved. It is wonderful to be able to work as a team to accomplish our client’s goals.

Tell us a fun fact about you

I enjoy rehabbing homes in the greater Baltimore Area. I really love to take an aged home with character and make it creatively beautiful again!

What are your favorite activities?

I love weekend spa days to rest and refresh and dinner with friends. I also volunteer and take part of activities that include feeding the homeless and needy in Baltimore.

What do you do when you are not at the office?

When I am not in the office, I enjoy visiting restaurants and spending time with my 4 children. From soccer practice to debate matches, a mom’s job never ends. The next morning happily offers the opportunity to do it all over again.